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Members of the PMHA Executive Committee, the RCPCH Child Mental Health CSAC, the RCPCH Training and Quality Team and the RCPsych have teamed up to create a nationwide survey on child mental health in paediatric training. The survey has now launched and can be accessed at

We want to hear from consultants, SAS doctors and trainees in paediatrics across the UK. The survey takes just 10 minutes to complete, and your responses will help us identify any improvements to the quality of and access to this area of training.

The survey is open until late November. It is voluntary – but we want to hear from as many UK members as possible! You’ll be asked to provide your career stage, region/deanery and sub-specialty as relevant, and answer some questions about your experiences of child mental health training.

Full responses will be shared with the College and Child Mental Health CSAC. An anonymised summary of the key outcomes will also be shared with the CAP Faculty at the Royal College of Psychiatry, which will help us consider how our two Colleges might deliver joint training and exchange expertise. 

Your survey responses will be kept for one year and then securely deleted. The RCPCH may retain fully anonymised data indefinitely. The RCPCH’s full privacy policy for this survey is available at

The Paediatric Mental Health Association invites trainees in Paediatrics, Psychiatry, General Practice, and Emergency Medicine to submit abstracts for our Annual Winter Conference

The meeting, taking place at Minster Mill in Oxfordshire on the 1st and 2nd February 2024, attracts speakers and delegates from a wide range of specialties to discuss the latest research and updates in Child Mental Health.

This year’s meeting will once again feature a trainee-led poster session in which trainees can present their audits, research, or quality improvement projects. This is an excellent opportunity to showcase your work in the area of child mental health and to share best practice with interested professionals from around the country. Three abstracts will also be selected for oral presentation on Day One of the meeting (1st February). 

To submit an abstract, please click here to download a template, and then email your completed abstract to by November 24th at the latest.

Your abstract will be reviewed by members of the PMHA Executive Committee and you will be notified of acceptance by the 8th of December.

We look forward to receiving your abstracts and to welcoming you to our meeting in February!

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