Bodily Distress Disorder Guidelines
Paediatric Mental Health Association
Upcoming Events in 2023
Book now for the PMHA Annual Meeting
Best for You: Learning Network Event
Editorial Perspective: Rapid responses to understand and address children and young people’s mental
Upcoming Events
Interested in Mental Health Leadership in Paediatrics?
Adverse childhood experiences: what support do young people need?
BACCH Summer Meeting
Webinar 18: The Role of Psychology within an Oncology Team  Â
ACAMH Event: Suicide in children and young people
Research highlight
Research highlight
Research highlight
Child in Mind Podcasts
Research highlight
PMHA Webinar 16: Functional Neurological Disorders
Don’t miss the PMHA Annual Meeting (online) this week: January 27th and 28th
Updated Annual Meeting Programme
PMHA Webinar 15: Self Injurious Behaviour